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The group started off the day with a swim to Nonsuch Island started in 1951 by Doctor David Wingate. Dr. Wingate began the island to reintroduce native and endemic plants of Bermuda on the verge of extincition. It was like walking into Bermuda 400 years ago before man arrived to the islands. After experiencing this so called "Time Travel" we headed straight toward the Rita Zevatta, an Italian cargo ship which wrecked on the Bermudian reefs. Diving down over 20 feet to observe the algae covered remains. Once the journey to the shipwreck had ended a bermudan citizen took us on a tour of walsingham pond, and through the caves of the area. To start the journey we jumped 15 feet off of some of the hardest limestone found on earth into a small brackish pond that connected to the Ocean by streams through the swampy area. Dready our tour guide showed us the area explaining how the red Mangroves that dove directly into the swampy ground to grow and survive with the tides moving and tearing away at the roots of the plants. Dready led us through the winding trails that scattered the swamp towards the dry and wet caves that were an amazing natural phenomonom to explore. He explained how when the water in the wet caves dug away at the rock, when the water had nowhere else left to travel it would eat away at the softest parts of the rock which could lead to sinkholes rising up through the ground eventually digging through the roof of the cave to the open air.
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